A. J. Wasserstein, Senior Adviser – New Haven

A. J. Wasserstein is the Eugene F. Williams, Jr. Lecturer in the Practice of Management at the Yale School of Management. He is also a private investor with a long-term orientation, interested in lower middle-market businesses and philanthropic organizations. A.J. aims to be positively impactful by using his experiences, time, and capital.

He was the President of Onesource Water, the third largest bottleless water service business in the U.S. Onesource Water was sold to Water Logic, a U.K. based strategic acquirer, in 2016. Previously, A.J. was the founder and CEO of ArchivesOne, the third largest records management company in the U.S. ArchivesOne was sold to Iron Mountain (NYSE: IRM) after 17 years of operation.

The U.S. Small Business Administration has recognized A. J. as the Small Business Person of the Year in Connecticut. A. J. authored a book on young adulthood that was a gift to his three children. The book’s title is What Matters Most: A Young Adult’s Roadmap to Life.